In order to create the masthead, I first have to choose the typography that the name of the magazine should be in.
Here, I have created a range of fonts with the name smooth to help me decide what typography I should use for my masthead. I have decided to use the font second down to the left-hand side as I feel it connotes the word "Smooth" the best. Alongside this, I will be using the gradient effect that I used on one of the fonts to create the masthead.
FIRST MASTHEAD ATTEMPT:This was the outcome of my first attempt of making the masthead. This won't be used as a masthead on the magazine as I don't feel it relates to Soul mainly becuase of the typography is too bold and instead the name of the magazine will be written in one capital letter and the rest in lower case. Also the colour of the typography doesn't suit the soul genre therefore I will be changing the colour and the effects. I will be keeping the box around the typography as it makes the masthead stand out but instead of making it black and purple I will be changing it to just black.
Here I have tested different colours against a black background to see what colour compliments the black background but also connotes soul. In the end I decided to use the colour and effect of the 4th masthead design.
Here I am starting to finalize the masthead. I like everything that I have changed all I wants to do is swap the effect used on the puff with the masthead as I feel the masthead needs to stand out more than the puff as it is the name of the magzine.