By conducting this questionnaire it enabled me to find out about my target audience in terms of what features they want in a music magazine.
This table shows that Hip Hop and R'n'B is the most popular genres amongst my participants. The majority of participants which choosen this were aged 16-19. From this age bracket one person choose an "other" genre of electropop as a genre they listen to.For my Soul Music target audience I am aiming to target those 25 or older. The findings from this question supports this as all 3 of the participants who choose soul as a genre they like were all 20 and older. These 5 people of this age bracket also choose an "Other" as Gospel music they also listen to which is similar to Soul as a genre they also enjoy.This table represents how much people are willing to pay for a music magazine. I shows that those under the age of 19 and only willing to pay between £1 and £2. It also shows that my target audiences are willing to pay a higher price. 45% of them would pay £1 and £2 but 55% are willing to pay between £2 and £5. A majority suggested £2 to £3 whilst one wanted to pay £4 to £5 therefore I have decided to price the magazine as £3.50.
From this question it tells me, that most people read magzines on the internet aswell (55% of people said they did) therefore I will include a website address on the front cover of my magzine.
Question 9 of my questionnaire was "What features would you like to see in a music magazine?"
The three popular answers of the magazine was Interviews, Articles on Upcoming Artist and information about Concerts. 43.75% of the participants chose Interviews and 31.25% chose Upcoming Artist as a features that they will like to see in a music magazine because of these figures I have decided to make my main article about an interview with an upcoming artist which is a combination of both of the popular features people would like to see in a music magazine as I feel it would be successful.
From these responses it tells me that the older audience (my target audience) are less likely to enter compettions and it is more appealing to a younger audience therefore I will not be mentioning competitions on my front cover as an incentive.
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